Female emcee introduces conference speaker

About Us

An everyday decision making process for effective living.

Diverse women enjoy presentation by conference speaker
Diverse conference attendees enjoy session speaker


About Effective Identity

I've been blessed to have had experiences that have challenged me to grow and develop in areas that often times felt uncomfortable. Some of those experiences strengthened me while others broke me. But whether they provide strengthen or reduced me to broken I learned something valuable about myself from each situation.

It was those moments that helped me to develop my lifestyle guide called Effective Identity.

As you hear my story and the lessons I've learned along the way you will begin to see how understanding who I am has helped me to live a more effective lifestyle. It is my hope that my story will inspire you to go out and live effectively for yourselves.





"In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity


Erik Erikson


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